Well, that didn’t go quite as I’d planned…

…Instead of the usual routine of visualising the next chapter on Monday and using my apprentice’s nap times during the week to write it, I wrote 6,500 words on Monday another 1,000 yesterday and the last 1,500 today. The first 6,000 were meant to be the last chapter… but I split it into 2. That being said, I didn’t like how the story ended there, well, more frankly it p’d me off. I decided instead to bring forward the first chapter of book 2 to make it the last chapter of Autonoma – Gate 13. It answers a lot of questions and doesn’t leave it hanging in a precarious position.

I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out. My story is free at last and no longer cooped up inside my head.

It sounds like my apprentice is awake, so I’ll have to leave this post here.

Autonoma will prevail. It always does.


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