Daughter To The Heir Update
I was way behind schedule thanks to a very bad cold and bronchitis, but just one day behind the planned completion date I have finished the first draft of Daughter to the Heir
I was way behind schedule thanks to a very bad cold and bronchitis, but just one day behind the planned completion date I have finished the first draft of Daughter to the Heir
It’s day three of NaNoWriMo and I’m 5,136 words into Daughter to the Heir. If I stop writing now (which I don’t intend to do) I’m averaging 1,667 a day (the ideal target to finish on time). We will be going to our first firework display as a family tonight Read more…
If you are fellow author you will likely have heard of NaNoWriMo, or are even taking part yourself. This year will be my first participation, as previously I wasn’t in a position to take part. Daughter To The Heir has given me a perfect opportunity to join in this year. Read more…
Taking a break from Autonoma – Gate 13, as I wait for initial feedback, by doing some more planning for the Daughter To The Heir novella.