After 17 years of being told that I cannot, and 5 years of trying to prove them wrong, Jamie and I are proud to announce that we are expanding (literally in my case).

I’m super excited about all we have to look forward to. So much to learn, so much to think about.

In the meantime, I’d like to part with a conversation and thought process that took place recently:

Friend: (With a baby) you’ll never have privacy again.

Moments earlier – Husband bursts into the bathroom, while I’m on the loo, and sticks the open bottle of milk under my nose.

Husband: Does this smell off to you?
Me: yeah.
Husband: I thought so (walks off, leaving door wide open)

Me: Yeah. So much to learn. What a change it’ll be.

William Anthony Reading is due to join the growing team on the 16th of February 2018.

Categories: Family


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