Having a surname like Reading, can be both a curse and a blessing. When it comes to search engines however, it becomes a hindrance. There is however, hope!

Firstly, let me apologise for the tranquillity that currently surrounds my blog. I am, at the moment, trapped in a cycle of getting up at 5am, going to day job, returning from day job, eating, editing, sleeping, repeating. Having decided to re-work Residuum of Ravenstone for it’s up-coming re-release, I’ve been spending every free moment scouring the pages to delete, edit and improve my work. That aside, I did discover something wonderful recently.

If you’ve ever worked with SEO, keywords and tags, you’ll probably understand the trouble I have with being known as Emily Reading. Not only is it difficult for a new author to be found among the established and well known writers, but having a ‘noun‘ in your title renders you even further down the list.

As well as being caught up in the impressive number of Emilys, I also find myself trapped among every book that talks about the action of reading. Results vary from Emily Bronte, to designer reading glasses. So to say I was thrilled when my husband remarked, ‘Just search for Emily Reading and the book will come up,’ would be a massive understatement. I had never even tried to search for my name on Amazon, there didn’t seem any point in trying, not yet anyway. But, sure enough, when I popped over to Amazon.co.uk and typed in ‘Emily Reading’ up popped Residuum of Ravenstone as the 2nd result! The next day, I tried again, and this time it popped up as the first result!

Amazon.fr and Amazon.ca also yielded the same result, whereas Amazon.com, not so unsurprisingly, popped up in number 137. That being said, within a week Residuum of Ravenstone started to climb up the results. Now, as I type this, Residuum of Ravenstone sits in 2nd place on Amazon.com which, I personally, think is just marvellous!

Thank you to everyone who helped me achieve this. I will be forever grateful for your efforts.

Residuum of Ravenstone is available in both eBook and Paperback format from the 7th July 2017. You can search for ‘Emily Reading’ across all amazon sites to find it (doesn’t that just sound wonderful?).

Categories: News


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