Mark Dawson’s brilliant 101 course is open again for a limited time only. If you’re serious about becoming an author, I highly recommend taking a look at this course. It won’t tell you how to write your book, but it will tell you everything you need to know about what to do with that manuscript. From covers, to editing, to getting it out there, to marketing, it’s all there.

Visit the Self Publishing Forumla Website by clicking here

More details from the website link above:

Ready to publish your novel, turn readers into raving fans and earn a living from your stories?
Self-Publishing 101 is a detailed, comprehensive masterclass written and presented by a bestselling author for other authors.
It’s a simple system that is easy to follow and proven to get results.


The full course will show you EVERYTHING you need to know to build the foundation for your successful career as an independently published author.

I will show you the precise strategy that I have deployed to sell hundreds of thousands of books and to add thousands of readers to my mailing list. You don’t need a degree in computer science to pull this off.

You can get this.

And if it doesn’t, I’ll give you your money back.

I highly recommend this course to anyone starting out, even if you haven’t finished your book yet. It’s extremely useful and will help you.

I’m not earning any commission or reward by making this post, I just wanted to spread the word.

Categories: For Authors


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